Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Cuverville Island

There are options on this morning’s landing on Cuverville Island.  One can go right to a gentoo penguin colony, or left to another gentoo colony, or climb the snow to the peak and yet another gentoo colony, or watch the penguins swim, clean themselves, and fish.
CJ watches penguins chase and feed on silver fish. Fellow passengers are doing the same.  Penguins watch the passengers. The rule is to keep 15 feet from the penguins.  The penguins haven't received the memo; they come right up to us with one or two feet, and repeatedly.
A short walk delivers him to a gentoo penguin roost.
The penguins follow previous man-made paths up the mountain.
Those of our group who elected to climb, can enjoy sliding on the way down.

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