Monday, December 9, 2019

Drive to Santa Cruz

It's been quite a drive. Got lost leaving Vina del Mar and Valparaiso. Missed our turn to Route 68 and ended up high above the city with serpentine roads continually narrowing. Views of the Bay of Valparaiso were beautiful.

Once we got righted about, had an uneventful drive, with the exception of nearly running out of gas,  to the coastal town of San Antonio.  The coastal route through tourist beach villages wasn't as picturesque as we'd hoped. San Antonio was a disappointment. I wasn't a quaint seaside village but was a large commercial seaport with huge container ship piers.  Without GPS we couldn't find Carol's selected restaurant.

It took forever driving in circles around San Antonio to find Route 66.  There were few cities and fewer restaurants along the way. In Rapel, the first we found didn't take credit cards and we had little Chilean cash.

Eventually we came across a town, Litueche, where the bank forked over cash and a very popular local restaurant on main street dished out a decent meal.

One last error of omission in CJ's written directions and we copped a 40 minute ride in the wrong direction toward Pichilemu.  Once we saw the ocean, we knew we had a long return.

At Pasado Colchagua we were warmly greeted by Lenor with a bottle of wine, choice of rooms and a short swim; a marvelous end to a trying journey.

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