Monday, September 7, 2015

The Long and Winding Road to Chester

Today is moving day again.  We are off in the rental car to Chester.  Having upgraded two a larger car at the last minute, we now have two GPS units. Between the two of them they can't get us out of London and on to the M40 to Chester.  After a number of false starts we find ourselves cruising up the M1 to the North and an hour behind schedule.

We try it the old fashioned way; using a map.  This does not please either of the GPS ladies. The lady built into the car is particularly displeased and continuously attempts to return us to the M1.

Eventually we make our way to Chester, the only fully walled city in the UK.

CJ's visit to the parking garage ends in disaster as he contacts a dumpster and its fencing and tears the passenger side-view mirror from the car along with door scratch damage.  Let's hope the AMEX insurance is as good as it is supposed to be.
 We walk off the stress in the streets of this quaint city. Our first restaurant selection is fully booked and disappointed we cross the street for typical pub food and drink.
Our after dinner pub crawl begins at a second floor pub with vaulted ceilings and a brewhouse in the basement.
At the second pub we tie up with locals concluding their own pub crawl.  We spend over an hour with them in their last pub.  We find a very good low alcohol, low hop, high malt, beer. They provide touring, restaurant and pub recommendations for tomorrow. We remain chatting well past last call.
The evening is polished off with a final last call cocktail in the bar of our hotel.  Its been a long time since we closed two bars.

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