Monday, September 14, 2015

Galway and Dublin Returns

Since the Sunday closing time at the rental place was 1400, we opted for less pressure and more time freedom and elected to return the car on Monday. This virtual extra day allowed us to enjoy other parts of Mayo and Galway counties. We begin the day in Cong.
Climbing out or Cong, the route provided good views of Lough Corrib (Corrib Lake).

Passing by Lough Mask and Lough Nafooey we arrive at the only fiord in Ireland at Killary. On the bank of the fiord is a small trailer hawking oysters and mussels.  The beds are within a thousand yards. The oysters are very good.  The mussels the freshest and best since we left Rhode Island nearly twenty years ago!
Continuing on we dodge sheep eating, walking and laying down literally at the very edge of the road.  One even regally lies on the top of a stone wall that forms the "guardrail" of the road.
On the way to and from Lettergesh Beach we pass a number of fly fisherman.  The road to Lettergesh is very narrow; less than two lanes.
Carol's spies a sign to the Quiet Man bridge just before Oughterard.
We made our way back into Galway City across a rainy western Galway county.  The topography is a very unique blend of heather, huge rocks and wind swept hills free of trees. Roads are narrow and harrowing when confronted by an approaching bus or large lorry.
We join with Stephen and Nicole (chef and florist we met in Spain) for drinks in the hotel bar.  After a bit of catching up, they picked a good Thai restaurant for dinner.  We had a marvelous evening sharing travel stories both past and upcoming, cooking discussion, and business related discussions.

Having returned the rental without incident, we began the return train trip to Dublin through sheep and farming country. Light rain continued to fall. Instead of a taxi to our airport hotel we elect the special airport bus;AirLink. It affords us a tour of downtown Dublin from the front seat of a double deck bus. The first site is the Guinness brewery.
Dinner and drinks in the hotel and we set the 0400 wake up for the morning return to the US.

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