Friday, September 11, 2015


Today is our "taxi driver" surprise excursion. Howth was not only not on the original program but was totally unknown to us. The Dart train was pointed out by the driver who delivered us to Dublin from the airport. He recommended a day trip to Howth.
A pleasant train ride to the end of this line delivers us to Howth at 1030 a bit too late to observe the unloading of the day's catch. We first tour the fish markets and then the commercial fishing pier. Check out those huge "shrimp".
Howth is a small town located on a peninsula. It has a commercial fishing port, fish distribution and processing plants, a large yacht club with marina and is very picturesque.
While photographing the fishing port, CJ spies a Moody. A long walk later, we confirm his find. Although bigger than our Moody, these beautiful design lines are unmistakable.
Last minute research last evening brings us to The Abbey Tavern. What a find!
A marvelous bartender, Richard, allows us to sample three stouts and four other beers. Two of our choices hail from Guinness; their Dublin Porter and an interesting Saison-like creation from their special ad-hoc team of innovators. Guinness loses out to Murphys in the stout contest.Richard gives us an education in Irish Whiskey and pours two samples of his best stuff for each of us. It was a surprising event.
The street that descends from the Tavern has a smart row of houses.
Lunch is taken at one of the few restaurants in this crazy town that offers a significant seafood menu at lunch.  Most others only have decent offerings on their dinner menus. In France our choice would be called Plateau Fruits de Mers.
Walking Howath appears to tire Carol.
Back in Dublin essential shopping is completed on the way to the hotel where we retire for the evening.

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