Friday, September 11, 2015

Manchester to Dublin

Even though the flight to Dublin is in the late morning, we don't know how long the process of returning the damaged rental car will take so we must allow a lot of time for it. So far its painless. When we get caught between Hertz and AMEX it probably won't be so much.

Carol hates flying in airplanes and not jets.  This AER LINGUS flight is on an ATR French-built airplane.
Our hotel is located away from the Temple Bar party district, near Trinity College and on a street with well-known International auction houses; Sotheby's, Bothams, Sevilles, and Whytes. It's a quaint older property with period rooms and good pub.
A walkabout takes us through the expensive shopping district, the Creative artistic district and to disappointing Dublin Castle. The return is through the touristy Temple Bar district, along the river with a destination of the J.W.Sweetman pub. After sampling their killer red ale at lunch at the hotel pub, we anxious to check out other possibilities.
We meet our first excellent Irish bartender, Dave at Sweetmans.

The streets of Dublin are adorned with picturesque pubs.
This evening's dinner is taken at the hotel.

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