Friday, September 15, 2023

Tokyo - First time in Japan

We are met at the airport by our guide. She is a wonderful lady. We also have a very comfortable van and good driver. The first stop is Meiji Shrine which we discover differs from Buddhist Temples in that they do not contain idols such as the Buddha. 

After the shrine we visit the train station to exchange our JR pass vouchers for JR passes and our reserved seats to Kyoto.

Next, we visited the Monzennakacho Temple to observe the fire ritual. It was interesting but would have been more interesting if we had a clue what it meant.

These are the hand prints of Sumo wrestlers. They are big guys!

Check-in at the Ritz is disappointing. Why is the Ritz-Carlton always a disappointing experience? 

The saving grace of the day is a good lunch at the Ritz's Japanese restaurant and a great bartender at dinner.

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