Thursday, September 21, 2023

Kure and the Yamato Museum

Today we adventure out on our own. Not only must we catch the bullet train again, but we need to exchange tomorrow's ticket which was issued in the wrong direction, and we must take a local train which we have not done before.

We make it to Kure on the local train that stops at EVERY station.

Marvelous planning! From the train station to the museum there is an elevated and covered walkway over the city. At one point the path is through a major department store.

Across the street from the Yamato museum is the JDF museum. The submarine is part of that museum.

The Yamato 1/10 scale model is incredible. The first picture is taken from the 3rd floor. Those are people walking around the model.

The detail is amazing.

Their special exhibit is World War II Japanese aircraft carriers.

We return on the Shinkansen.

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