Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Only in Adelaide

We're sitting in the lounge in Adelaide waiting for our flight and Brian, the contractor whose team replaced our rooftop deck walks in. He is on his way to Barcelona. Everyone says Adelaide is a small town. This on the heels of my trip to the pharmacy last week. The pharmacist saw me and without asking my name or anything else handed me my two-month (because of this vacation) supply. Like that happens anywhere in the US.

Singapore Airlines' pods are disappointing when you're used to Qatar Q-suites. They are smaller, have no storage, and the seat controls are difficult to see. Their flight map is poor.

That said, the wines were better, particularly the French Bordeaux, and the food was excellent.

The food offerings in the lounge at Changi Airport in Singapore is extraordinary. Singapore is known for orchids. This airport has magnificent orchid displays.

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