Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Day 3 - Kurashiki

Now sailing on Resolution, we find there are options to select. Today we opt for touring the preserved town of Kurashiki and its garden.

The gardens are very nice and have the added benefit of having a castle just off the grounds which adds interest to some of the photographs. A pond full of coy.

A part of the gardens from the high point.
The castle just beyond the park grounds.

Following a good Japanese lunch, it is a one block walk to Kurashiki village, a quaint timeless village of 17th Century buildings with small shops, food outlets, but as far as we can tell not the one thing we seek. We want a pub or wine bar to take refuge from the heat.

The alternative is ice cream in the shade.

The small island is appreciative of our arrival to their island. Pictures from around the port and our docking.

The locals came out just before we departed and set this display. These are those small candles.

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