Sunday, March 14, 2021

Unico Go after Fringe Show at Ayres House

Since Adelaide is so vibrant, it seems criminal to simply go home after a show, particularly on a weekend evening when the precinct is turned into a giant block party with the streets blocked and turned into a pedestrian mall.

Unico Go, the small five person wine bar we visited a few weeks earlier, is around the corner. They are open for another hour. Noah is on this evening and we have him to ourselves until closing. 

This evening we exercise restraint and sample only two wines, this one from Gaillac and a strange Burgundy.

Noah asks what brought us to Adelaide. Carol doesn't give the usual answers like CJ's work or being stranded (this time) by COVID. She blurts out "cricket". Our American foreign accent (sounds strange doesn't it) leaves Noah incredulous. American and Cricket in the same sentence does not compute. When CJ informs him that he is a SACA member, Noah must know more. Noah is a cricket tragic also and cannot believe we know cricket, let alone know it and love it.

Cricket dominates the hour's conversation and wine slips into background. The hour passes quickly. Closing time is announced by the arrival of Noah's partner.

Since the wine list changes weekly, it is hand written on a roll of brown wrapping paper that is unrolled from the ceiling weekly.
This is a second story venue shared with a hip and trendy bar. Back down at street level, downtown partying remains in full swing.

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