Saturday, March 20, 2021

Third and Ever Expanding Beer Tasting

Sometime the middle of 2020 to break the monotony of COVID lockdown, CJ convinced Neil and the boys to have a beer tasting in the man cave. We sampled 18 brews.

That evening's success bred the Second and Expanded beer tasting where we added Josh, Niran, and Nick and drove the count over 20.

Following a break for the holidays, this evening is the 3rd incarnation of the event. Tonight we have the usual suspects, CJ, Neil, Louis, Tom, Josh, and Niran, as well as special guests, Grant and Hugh. At eight participants the sample count has risen to 26. Can we reach 30 by the fourth event?

There are many boy toy items of interest in the man cave including posters, gaming items but the prime man cave toys are the vintage Thunderbird and Corvette.
13 brews in we declared halftime and called out for pizza.
At some point in the evening Louis' girlfriend, Cheryl, joins to spectate. There is not enough pour to invite her to participate.
There is usually an accompanying ladies event on beer tasting night. Tonight the ladies were scheduled to enjoy Australia Idol winner Jessica Mauboy in concert at the Oval. Unfortunately Bronwyn came down ill, Carol decided to remain home and Bronwyn's sister was left to enjoy the concert solo. Following the concert, she also came to have a look.

Her husband, Grant, is not known as a beer drinker. He hung with the team through all 26.
CJ caught his Uber ride at nearly one in the morning.

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