Saturday, March 6, 2021

Mike Turtur Bikeway to Glenelg

It was supposed to be CJ's triumphant return to a long bike ride. Take the Mike Turtur Bikeway to the town of Glenelg on the ocean.
There were omens. CJ's FitBit would not start. He doubled back and after three tries got it to recognize the satellite. There were two construction closures of the bikeway CJ had to work around. Fortunately he knows the area and was able to work around them. It is a relative straight ride that parallels the tram line. One rides through middle and upper class neighborhoods. There are trees and flowers along the way.

Since parts of the trail were closed, CJ ends up joining it at the same place he joined the first time he took it. At the place where the trail passes beneath the rail line and under the tram line. The city has outdoor exercise equipment in a small park adjacent to the rail lines. Strangely, there are no trash containers nearby.

The next three pictures are of South Road "mountain". It is the tram overpass across busy South Road.
CJ refers to it as a "mountain" because of the steep grade. Most younger cyclists consider it a bump.
On one side of the trail is the tram line and on the other are flowers and bushes. It is a pleasant ride.

At one point the trail passes Morphettvale horse race track, site of the Adelaide Cup. Only in Australia is there a national holiday for the Melbourne Cup horse race and a state holiday for the Adelaide Cup horse race. After the race track is the tram maintenance facility and shortly after signs the journey is nearing its end, this sculpture of a giraffe.
When one sees the row of Norfolk Pines lining the tram line, the end is near.
At this point CJ begins to look forward to journeys end, lunch, and the return ride. Little does he know that within minutes disaster will strike.

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