Saturday, March 13, 2021

French Lessons @ Ayres House - A Fringe Performance

 This evening's show is another of those Fringe shows that is truly out there on the Fringe.

At first we are in the wrong line at the wrong end of the building, along with others. Obviously better signage is needed. Finally arriving where we belong and in fear of being late, it appears instead of providing better signage, they delay the show to allow for the mix up.

The good news is that since we are Fringe members (best $40 investment of all time), we get head of line privileges and choice of seats. It appears they were holding the opening of the door for us! Very cool.

A lady introduces the show telling the audience, all of 20 seats in the small library of Ayres House, that the show is all about swearing and if you cannot deal with swearing it is a good time to leave. With everyone good to go, she introduces the French comedian. He is another bloke who has married an Aussie girl and been living in country for 8 years.

For the next hour he goes through the slide show teaching us how to swear in French. He is very good, very funny and adds audience participation to the show.

We cannot wait to show this to Didier. Our next Skype call is going to be a hoot.

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