Monday, October 10, 2016

Return from France

There was concern with a 55 minute connection in Frankfurt. We fully anticipated an overnight stay in Frankfurt having missed our flight and it very nearly came to pass. 

We arrived early into Frankfurt and waited for the wheelchair people.  Complicating the time constraint was the aircraft parking out on the tarmac. We were the last off the plane with Carol being carried down the steps in a chair.  This fellow who came down the same way
just after her used up more time.

The driver of the private bus told us he was taking us to our gate.  We found ourselves in the handicapped holding area using up even more time. The senior person there finally realized we'd run out of time and personally took us to the gate with only minutes remaining.

It was a mad dash through immigration and that bypassed security. The high speed walk turned to a gallop the last hundred yards with our guide waving at the people at the gate to hold the plane.  The first/business class jetway was already removed when we arrived.

The head flight attendant followed us down the jetway and closed the door behind us.

We returned to Smithfield to find 75,000 people without power due to Hurricane Matthew; CJ's boss being one of them.  There is still heavy flooding throughout the area but fortunately our area and home survived showing no signs of the storm.

We were the last two people on the plane with the doors closing minutes behind us. But at least we made it. 

Now it's time to go home and find out what the hurricane and its 10 inches of rain had done to us. Until the next trip, chow.

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