Saturday, October 8, 2016

Return to Lyon

The route to Lyon begins with routing through Pomeral before entering the motorway.  The middle of France is covered with mountains and farmland.  It is beautiful country and one could easily be driving through the US.  There are viaducts, bridges spanning gorges, where villages below look like miniature toy cities.

Along the road there are various sculptures. The French invest in art, even along the roads.

The return of the wheelchair is accomplished in less than ten minutes.

Finding our hotel is another story. We circumnavigate the airport nearly twice, at times putting the vehicle at risk on very narrow roads in tiny villages.  Stopping at another hotel, we're directed to our hotel, located AT the airport. Later in the evening while working on the journal, CJ discovers his write-up on the hotel where it states the hotel is 100 steps from Terminal 1.

The evening is spend making ready for our return to the US.  Barring missing our flight in Frankfort which is a distinct possibility given the 55 minute supposedly "legal" connection, this may be the last blog entry of this trip.  If it isn't we'll be spending an evening in Frankfurt.

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