Wednesday, October 5, 2016


There is no more avoiding the toll roads no matter the outrageous cost. On the road shortly before 10, we arrive in Bordeaux shortly after five.  In order to enjoy the city, we have an American style lunch in the car.

The motorway is dotted by beautiful hill top French villages along the way as well as a quick look at spectacular Carcassonne second only to Le Mont St Michel in magnificence. GPS lady takes us directly to our quaint boutique hotel that has a great central location in downtown Bordeaux.

CJ pushes Carol in the wheel chair around downtown Bordeaux all evening.  We begin with drinks along the Gironde River.
We pass through one of the original gates of the city.  There are many outdoor cafés and most of packed.
We enjoy a good meal and wine at Brasserie Bordalais.  Carol has a pork and chestnut dish while CJ cannot pass the ris de veau (sweetbreads).
After taking the recommended night photographs, CJ returns Carol to the room.  He is dripping wet from pushing the wheel chair.

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