Monday, October 3, 2016

The Day After

As arranged the car was left up in the mountains at the reception venue and a private van delivered a group of us back to the apartment between 2AM and 3AM.  The next bus was scheduled for the hard partiers at 4AM. It got stuck in the mud and those folks were shuttled back in three deliveries with the last ones getting to town after 5AM.

A van will take us to the brunch at noon. We get seven hours sleep; a lot of folks get four or less.
Brunch is at the same location and is wilder than the wedding.  Our table is constantly breaking into song.  In fact Didier has come with a folder of song sheets. Various pictures show Joelle leading singing with our table providing the chorus, Didier and the father of the groom bursting into song with others including Joseph.
We didn't realize that Friday was Didier's birthday.  His cake is death by chocolate.
The immediate families, that would include us must tear down and clean the venue before leaving. Carol is folding the dozens of Japanese umbrellas hanging around the hall.
We pass by the newlywed's new condo to see the beginning of their remodeling adventure and to open our gift before returning to the apartment.
At 8PM, those of us staying in the apartment complex gather for final cocktails.  Didier and Jocelyne have prepared various dinners for us to take back to our rooms.  By the time we complete dinner and dishes and perform some initial packing it's nearly midnight.

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