Sunday, October 2, 2016

Reception Part II - Dinner and Partying

There are 10 tables and one bet you can take to the bank is that action central is wherever Didier is.  Our table is easily the wildest and craziest of the evening. The tables have been named for places in Japan.  We are seated at Kyoto.
The meal is the one quiet time remaining before things get crazy.
Joelle, Jocelyne's mother begins the shenanigans.
I'm fairly certain Carol's doctor didn't have this in mind when he took off the cast and put her in the boot.  Didier is dancing with her in the wheelchair spinning her and somehow not injuring other dancers. Then Joseph dances a fast one with her with Yves dancing a slow one; and these were not the only dances for her!
Let the record show that the next day her foot was badly swollen and she was icing it.

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