Sunday, June 21, 2015

Golden Triangle to Chiang Mai

Today is moving day.  Between breakfast and an early lunch CJ takes some final pictures.

Our room the two peaks in the center

High above the resort up the path past our room complex is an open plateau serving as a viewing area, shrine, and relaxation location.  From this point one gets wonderful views. In the picture immediately below taken in Thailand one sees Thailand on the left of the Ruak River in the foreground, Casino Paradise in Myanmar with the red roof just on the other side of the Ruak, Myanmar the wooded area on the right, the Mekong River in the background and Laos on the other side of the Mekong.

Laos on the left, Myanmar in the center, Thailand to the right
As we arrived back at the resort on the elephants we did not have cameras.  We were coming up the walk and were riding above the roof line shown. The was only this tiny doorway to the right and we had fat elephants and our legs outside of that. We had to make a 180 degree right followed by an immediate 90 degree left. Not sure how but we still have our legs and the doorway is still there!

How did the elephants get through here?
After taking some last minute pictures, our driver begins the four hour ride to Chiang Mai at noon. Four hours later we arrive at the Ping Nakata hotel.

Today will be a lazy day after hectic yesterday and the long drive.  We take dinner in the hotel and crash early.

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