Saturday, October 11, 2014

Ubeda and Baeza

The train began moving at 0630.  From the time we first looked out the windows until the time the train entered the station, olive fields dominated the landscape.

Carol is trying to recover from the bug going around the train and remains on board today. We are traveling through a large valley surrounded by mountains. Olive trees run for as far as the eye can see. As the day is overcast not a single picture captures the magnitude of the olive fields.

The regional museum of olive oil is our first stop. It is located in Jaén province and half way between Jaén and Baeza.

Our guide is extremely informative; the restored facility well done. There are many antique presses on display and a part of the original "modern" aqueduct that fed the olive fields.

 The next stop is Baeza. It a UNESCO city but likely the least impressive we've visited.

CJ returns to the train opting to skip the Úbeda visit.
As this is the final evening on the train, there is a farewell party following dinner.  We are asked to vote for Mr. and Mrs. Al Andulus, the sexiest passenger and the most congenial passenger.  Carol leads a campaign to get the Mexican couple, married 58 years and still cuddling voted Mr. and Mrs.  One Spanish women whose hair each day makes us believe she awakes at 0500 to prepare it each day is a shoe-in for sexiest.


Carol dances her butt off and drives the party until we are one of three final couples.  Last off the dance floor is CJ, who's matador dance is cut short.

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