Saturday, October 11, 2014


Our last touring stop on the train is Córdoba. The tour begins with a walk through the old Jewish section. There has been literally no Jewish population here since the beginning of the Inquisition when most Jews elected to leave Spain.

The highlight of the tour, and the highlight of the trip is the mosque/cathedral of Córdoba. Visionary people elected to convert the mosque into a Christian church while maintaining the beautiful mosque structure. It creates an unparalleled interest factor. Small chapels line the outer walls with a spectacular cathedral with two large pipe organs on one side.

During free time prior to returning to the train we explore the other side of the river and share a drink, a sherry found only in Córdoba,  with Enrique and Juanita; Mr. and Mrs. Al Andulus .

The train arrives on time in Seville and in time for a much needed siesta.  We have been very fortunate with the weather and this evening a thunder storm brings rain to Seville.

We return to a local tapas restaurant for a small dinner before returning to our room and its view of the Geralda Tower. Along with this view we have bar noise well into the early morning from just below our room.

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