Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Just another incredible European city.  Ronda sits atop a cliff and gorge. There is a very attractive old city with narrow decorative alleys and a very connected new commercial city. The transition between the two is seamless. This is the type of place one could easily spend a couple of weeks chilling, walking and marveling. The city is home to Spain's oldest bull ring and one of the most spectacular gorge crossings you'll ever see.

Three bridges, Puente Romano ("Roman Bridge), Puente Viejo ("Old Bridge") and Puente Neuvo ("New Bridge"), span the canyon. The term "nuevo" is a bit of a misnomer, as the building of this bridge commenced in 1751 and took until 1793 to complete. The Puente Nuevo is the tallest of the bridges, towering 390 ft above the canyon floor.

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