Tuesday, June 8, 2021

West Side Street Wine Festival

What do you do to foster business in Adelaide on a cold winter weekend. Have a wine festival. Nine winemakers on Friday night and then using the same infrastructure, bring in nine different winemakers on Saturday evening.

The advert was unclear on providing glasses. We brought our own but were presented with these fine Spiegelau crystal glasses on arrival.

Our crazy Adelaide, AGAIN! Arriving at the first of two venues, we are standing in line for our first pour when the two fellows pouring the wine look out. We are three rows back. Noah, waves and says "Hi Guys." Brandon the winemaker and owner of Unico Zelo, looks out, waves, and says, "Haven't seen you folks in some time." When other customers hear our accents they must wonder why these guys know us.

Brandon is in red, Noah is in the plaid.

When we get to front of line and Brandon is pouring our first taste, the lady serving at the third station leans into him and says, "You can't pour these people, I need to pour for my neighbors."

When we are finished with Brandon and Noah, we move two stations to the left to taste with our next door neighbor Alyssa.
Leigh Street is hopping this evening. There are two tasting venues and many of the restaurants have outdoor tables set for dining.
The bag the glasses are presented in are provided so that you can put the glasses back in the bags while walking between the two venues. What is the bloody point of that?

At the second venue are five more wineries.
The organizers should be commended. They have put on a good event and brought many people to the area.

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