Tuesday, June 8, 2021

SACA 150th

Carol had to purchase and outfit and CJ had to purchase a sport coat for this event. It was originally advertised as 'casual'. Later they defined casual as 'black-tie not required' which changed the expectation to suits or sportscoats for men and dressy cocktail for women.

The event is being held at the Adelaide Town Hall. Why is it not being held at Adelaide Oval? Today is the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the South Australian Cricket Association (SACA). It is THE day. The first speaker informs us that the founding meeting was held in an Adelaide hotel. That hotel eventually became the Adelaide Town Hall which is why we find ourselves here.

We were in this room last week for a candlelight concert. We never knew it had a balcony. There is a three-piece band (piano, bass violin, sax) dressed in the historical SACA member jackets from three eras.
Hors d'ouevres are passed as well as generous servings of drinks. The first speaker notes that we have an 8 year old SACA member in attendance as well as a 99 year old member. There is an intermission allowed for the passing of additional food and drink. Carol is talking with the 99 year old and his son. He does not look a day over 80.
The second part of the entertainment is an interview with South Australian and Australian national team cricket legends, Iain (center) and Greg (right) Chappell. 
SACA has done a good job. They have set up memorabilia tables and portraits of the legends of South Australian cricket.

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