Monday, June 21, 2021

The Preparation of Hoisin Lamb

In 1981, CJ was playing convention spouse in a hotel room in Toronto when Martin Yan's cooking show came on and he prepared Hoisin Lamb. I am not a cooking show fan but Martin is entertaining and a nut case; and this dish sounded incredible, even to CJ.

By the time Carol returned from convention meetings, CJ was raving about this dish he saw on a cooking show. Carol felt it was time to take his temperature since the poor boy was obviously delusional with the fever.

Carol is preparing it for neighbors. The first picture follows hours of trimming the meat on the first day. This is Day 2: assembly. She is preparing the lamb with the sauces.

After the pieces are bunched together, a layer of hoisin sauce, scallions, and garlic are laid down.
A top layer is added and the lamb is reassembled and tied.

Time for grilling and dining. Unfortunately after dozens of successful preparations, this dinner fell short because of tough lamb. What a lot of work to be done out by bad lamb!


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