Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Views from the Roof and Balcony

When we first lived on Tomsey Street, this apartment building was not blocking our view of the Adelaide Hills and Victoria Park.

Nor was the apartment building on the right. Then again, the trees along the footpath in the park have grown a lot in 10 years.
Tomsey is a pretty street of flowers and trees. Looking down from the balcony, the house across the street has a gorgeous purple bougainvillea. The plant goes from a vibrant purple to this more washed out color depending on the weather.
To our right, Peter and Renata have bushes lining their fence. Here Renata is pruning them.
This is the view looking to the southwest.
This is the view to the northwest. A shapely cloud hovers over the commercial part of the CBD.
Between us and Peter and Renata's house, and in front of James and Jackie's is one of Sia's bump-outs. Each is adorned with different plants or trees. This one has two large lantana. 
The bump out across the street is relatively plain. It has a tall tree. The one farther up the street on the right house herbs, mainly rosemary.

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