Sunday, June 27, 2021

Fruitful Pursuit - Seb and Colleen Hardy

We return to La Buvette for another Fruitful Pursuit event. This one is a Winemaker and Me evening. It is a sit down wine tasting hosted by Seb and Colleen Hardy. They make wine in the US and Australia.

We met Seb years ago at K1, when he was a young lad learning his craft from his father Geoff. We met again a couple of years ago when we attended his grandmothers 90th birthday black tie event at Adelaide Uni. 

His wife Colleen is from the Finger lakes region near Rochester. They have a winery on the K1 property and another in Hammonsport, NY. They have a tasting room in downtown Rochester.

It is a marvelous evening. They pour good white wines from New York but the star of the show is a Nero d'avola from South Australia. This is the line up of wines to be tasted.

Seb and Colleen
Question time

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