Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tomsey Picture Frames (First Floor)

Since we did not want to spend unnecessary money on furnishing Tomsey, one area we elected to save was in wall decorations. CJ purchased these frames at Cheap As Chips. We were pleased and purchased additional frames from both downstairs and upstairs. One first floor wall has four frames.

CJ has searched the photo archives to pepper them with the history of our marriage. As a tribute to our Australian friends, one picture has three pictures featuring the Mullins. It also shows SeaJay, our sailboat, Carol in Antarctica, Panama Canal, French Alps, diving in Cozumel, Thailand, Catherine's Palace in St. Petersburg, and a Thanksgiving holiday to Hilton Head.

Flanking 1989 pictures of us near Notre Dame are pictures of us on a cruise in 1995, pictures of our three dogs, Carol lunching in the French Alps in her "clown" ski outfit and skiing in the outfit Hauquitz deemed The Body. 
The large picture flanking it features three pictures of our trip to Argentina with our neighbors, James and Jackie Hahn.
The third large first floor frame features our period reenacting with pictures from Gettysburg, New Market, and Cedar Creek. In addition to the picture of Carol's soccer team where CJ defies anyone to believe she is the oldest player in the picture, this frame features The Forbidden City in Bejeing, Taos, the Panama Canal, and dinner in Hong Kong.
Mother and Carol's parents are always with us in this room. There is also the picture of Carpy having his go at the Baltimore Ravens cheerleaders.


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