Friday, January 29, 2021

Post Rain Strikers Match

It is still raining when CJ arrives at the gates of the Oval. In the Bodyline Bar, he saves Neil a seat. Neil messages that the rain is a problem for him and CJ agrees. Carol and Meredith exchange notes. She is finishing dinner and departs to take the seat.

Will there be a game this evening. CJ arrives and there is still rain. The wicket remains covered and the ground crew is working to clear the water. Watching them is fascinating entertainment. Eventually they remove the cover leaving a large pond of water on the near side of the wicket.

In the picture below the pond has disappeared. 3 men and a woman pushing lawn rollers force the water into the grass. Adelaide Oval is known for its drainage. CJ is convinced. Over an inch of rain and it is gone.
The crew rolls up the covers.
The teams come out to warm up while the grounds crew crank up blowers that sound like jet engines.
Meredith arrives without a second person. No sooner has CJ picked up the stuff he laid down to save the extra seat, Nick messages CJ. Now he is again saving two seats even though seats are not allowed to be saved, unofficially unless you are a regular and well known to the staff. Nick eventually arrives with a girlfriend.

As for the game, the Strikers bat horribly, bowl horribly and lose badly failing to clinch as playoff berth.

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