Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Wirrarninthi Walk - Second Shot

A few weeks earlier CJ had taken us on a walk through the West Parklands to the cemetery.  Along the way we passed the Wirrarninthi Trail.  The goal today is to walk the trail.  CJ doesn't think to bring the map he downloaded; a mistake which will require a return to do it again, next time with the map and the description of the items along the trail. What we did not have with us was the map and aboriginal explanation.

What we do have is CJ's photograph off the rock at the entrance to the walk.
It's only a little over a 2 km walk.  Parts of it are picturesque, other parts show a very old park in constant need of maintenance and pruning.
What makes this walk special? The walk is laced with subtle sculptures.  Their attraction is in their subtlety.
On this rock there is a large feature.  Those coming up are more subtle.
We missed this frog hiding on the rock the first two passes.
This big rock is loaded with carvings, etchings and small figurines.
The walk is nestled between the sport fields and the railroad tucked in between Sir Donald Bradman road and the cemetery. There is another park along West Terrace.

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