Thursday, May 14, 2020

Drink Like a Wanker - COVID 19

During Fringe the worst show was Drink Like a Wanker. Little did we know that in the following month COVID-19 would overtake the world and we'd be stuck in our apartment and need to Drink Like a Wanker for sanities sake.

Our timing was buggered.  On the verge of shutdown, we're almost out of our original stash of wine, beer and spirits. Timing is everything.

On the eve of shutdown carries us to the local liqueur store. We're resigned to a long term stay since flights off the continent have been suspended. Can you spell three or four month supply.

First up, lay in a four month supply of spirits; and don't be boring about it.  We're embarrassed to admit 17 bottles is a gross underestimation.
This is only part of the stash.  The tequila is elsewhere.

Beer is a problem. CJ is picky about his beer and Australia isn't the best place to find a great beer supply.  Someone has beat him to the good Belgium and Scottish beer. He must compliment his purchases with hard cider.

Wine is not an issue.  Direct delivery from the wineries is without charge and we have a stable of known suppliers, of excellent wine. Over a period of two weeks, the desk personnel see ten cases of wine arrive; three of them delivered directly by the wine makers.
Here's a picture of the seven case wine stash.  It was ten cases at one point. Time to order more from Kim at Teusner and Jonathan at Langmeil.

Can you imagine posting this when I still had a full time job? Can you spell 'you're fired'!

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