Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year's Day & CJ's Birthday

We pick up a rental car for a day trip to Bronwyn and Neil's place in Clayton. The drive to Clayton is a little over an hour and a half.

The New Year and Birthday celebration begins with champagne. Of course it does.

The Clayton property is waterfront and located where the Finniss River meets the great River Murray.  The property includes the main house which is a spectacular huge modern house with a gorgeous pool, a second "shack" and two out-buildings set on 40 acres.
The plan for lunch has been derailed by bats and bugs.  They haven't been to the house in some time and bats have taken up residence in the sail (sun cover) where Bronwyn had intended to have lunch and lunch preparations have been derailed by the need to spray for a bug infestation.  It's just what happens in the country. 

To reach Goolwa and the Aquacat Gourmet Café a circuitous route around two rivers (Finniss River and Currency Creek) is required. The restaurant is located on the beach in Goolwa.

CJ has burger which although appearing overcooked is delicious.  It's loaded with beef and ham. Bronwyn has a fish pasty (fish in pastry); the dish that looks like an omelet. She's pleased with it.  Carol and Neil select the grilled garfish special.  It is also delicious.
CJ is not the only person celebrating their birthday at the restaurant.

A driving tour begins after lunch.  First destination is Hindmarsh Island and a look at the confluence of the River Murray and the Southern Ocean.
Next we drive through Middletown (half way between Goolwa and Victor Harbor).  There are steep cliffs at this point of the beach.
Next stop is in Port Elliot to view Horseshoe Bay. There are  rocks and islands just offshore.  There is a large metal testimonial relating the location of shipwrecks in and around the bay.
On our arrival, we rousted out two kangaroos.  The camera was in the boot (trunk) and by the time CJ retrieved it there was no sign of them.  On this return he had the camera at the ready and is rewarded. They are hiding in the tall grass in the sheep paddock.

With driving tour ended we return to Clayton to get down to serious birthday celebrating. After another bottle of bubbly, the red's come out to play while the pork roast and veggies are cooking.  It's a Langmeil evening with their GSM satisfying pre and post dinner duties and a magnum of Orphan Bank performing dinner honors.

Yet another evening to 1AM with the Mullins. With early morning physio appointments we must get up and out early.  Neil has brekkie on the barbie well underway by the time we arrive at the table.  Huge egg and ham muffins await.
It is always so much fun being with Neil and Bronwyn.

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