Thursday, January 4, 2018

Into the Home Stretch

It's nearly impossible to believe we're entering our last week. 'Eight Days a Week' to go.

We walk the length of North Terrace, around the detour which is the debacle tram line modification.  South Australia is up in arms.  The government has deemed an "all turns" approach to the tram extension at the intersection of King William and North Terrace a no go .  The current government says the logical approach is too expensive which is total bull.  Adelaide got it right in the early 1900's.  Over a hundred years of improved technology later it is too hard. Seriously? Do they honestly believe anyone is buying this crap. A fortnight of disruption for a dumb half-assed solution. You just can't escape stupid politicians.
We arrive with no time to spare at the assembly point for the guided tour of the Adelaide Botanical Gardens.  Peter is a wonderful guide.  It's an interesting tour.  We'd expected an overview of the gardens sections.  Instead Peter walked us from one tree he wanted to discuss to the next tree or plant. We covered about two-thirds of the Gardens. The primary architectural feature of the International Garden is a Muslim-like water feature. We've seen flowing water in the palaces of Turkey and Spain.
This river gum is a very old tree planted early in the Garden's history. It was started from a desert plain in 1857.
CJ photographed this sculpture last week on a cloudy day.  He had no idea it was translucent.

There is a dahlia garden with many colors and huge flowers.
During the walk about, a cockatoo is observed overhead.
The tour ends at noon.  The return route begins with a beer at The Belgium.  Carol has her usual, the passion fruit beer and CJ his usual, Leffe Bruin.

We lunch up the street at what is supposed to be one of the premier burger joints in the city, Burger Theory.

We spit up for in-city shopping on the return walk.  Destiny delivers us to each other on the walk home.

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