Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Lazy Last Monday

All the tennis guys are in attendance at brekkie. In early afternoon we take in the matinee of a movie Carol has selected.  Each time she picks a movie, CJ resolves that she is fired from picking movies.  At the end of this one his opening comment is, 'your record is still intact."

We return in time for afternoon tea at the hotel.

With the new rail construction, it's typically easier to walk across town. They tells us the most significant intersection in South Australia will be closed for two weeks to create the intersection of the new tram line with the old one. It's a mess, eye sore and has traffic buggered up about the entire city.
Realizing Carol's phone is not receiving emails, we try to get it fixed but the Telstra shop has a 45 minute wait.

This evening it's our intention to use our nearly $100 in free birthday drink credit at the Belgium bar. CJ has messed up.  He thought you had seven days to use the credit and he got his $50 gift the previous week. We can only use Carol's birthday gift card.

We have a fun evening with James and Jackie.  The food's not great but the beer and company more than make up for it.

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