Sunday, November 19, 2017

Off to a Great Start

It took no time at all to receive our first dose of Aussie slang.  At the airport, the fellow loads our seven suitcases into the car and turns to CJ and says, "Bob's your uncle". It's Aussie slang for 'you're all set'.

24 hours after arriving in Adelaide we arrive at Willunga Creek Winery in McLaren Vale to participate in a judging of 19 wines; likely not the best plan for folks still suffering from jet lag.

We participated four years ago.  Tom is tending bar.  When last we saw him he dumped a glass of red wine on us at the dinner table. The owner, Dave, also an acquaintance from the last event, is hawking raffle tickets. We also know Dave from the time we crashed the winery for a tasting when it wasn't open.  He took pity on the ignorant Americans and walked us through his entire line. His Out for a Duck, a cricket term adorns the bar at our home.  The wine is a tribute to Australia's sweep of England at the Ashes.
The event is called Spring Carnivale' & Wine Spectacular - 2017 and its organized by Phil and Lauren Christianson. Phil is a good friend.  We met him in 2007 for a wine tasting.  Following the tasting, he walked total strangers from the winery up to his house and through a horrified Lauren's Christmas Eve preparations.  We've been purchasing wine from him since.  Additionally we turned the lemons from his huge tree into Limoncello, returning a few bottles to Phil.  He served them up at the Christmas party for his staff.

When Lauren spins around and recognizes and greets Carol by name, we know we're back home. Phil and Lauren are marvelous people.

There is more than an hour of wine or beer accompanied by the passing of finger food including very good oysters.  Phil calls the group to order and explains the judging rules.
This year there are 19 wines to judge.  Each judge declares a top three and the results are tabulated.
Lauren lets loose a hearty whistle to gain the group's attention. There is a new wrinkle this year.  The ballots are not blind.  Those assembled take good humored fun in the public 'shaming' of the vote announcements.  Some very knowledgeable folks get things horribly wrong, or at least inconsistent with their peers. Reading the results is hard work.  Phil must pause to take a drink break.
The Board of Truth has spoken. For our part we have half a clue. We pick the winning wine and the one with only four votes that ended up last.

A feast follows accompanied by Willunga Creek wines and the remains from the tasting bottles.

Thankfully, we have the concierge lounge available for recovery.  No way we go out to dinner after this event. We enjoy a light dinner and nightcaps. It's only a one floor elevator ride to bed.

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