Saturday, November 25, 2017

A Black Tie Event

The hectic startup period is over.  We've spent three quiet days in the apartment watching the cricket from the Gabba in Brisbane. For those unaware, it's an all day affair that runs from 10:00 to 6:00. Lunches have been taken on the patio and we're continuing to enjoy brilliant sunsets.
Carol had a shopping foray into town and on Friday evening we took the tram to the Adelaide Central Market where we had an unexpected paella dinner at a new restaurant stall. Next time it will be  Moroccan cous cous at the new stall next door.

Saturday was a black tie event.  We booked for the menu, an impressive lineup of all South Australian product by one of SA's iconic chefs. It was a combined 90th birthday and honorary for Barbara Hardy, the chief benefactor of Nature Foundation SA.  She has been working in establishing parks, hiking trails and preserving wildlife most of her life.  The fact that she is part of one of the first families of South Australia, the Hardy wine clan, probably had something to do with the number of politicians and Uni attendees.
It was held in picturesque Bonython Hall at the University of Adelaide.  The location is only a few blocks on the same street as our apartment. The food was good.  We won an excellent bottle in the blind wine draw and picked up two children's books in the silent auction.
Marvelous being in a room of folks supporting efforts to preserve the environment and wildlife.

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