Wednesday, November 22, 2017

McLaren Vale and the Adelaide Hills

We have a program to visit five wineries and a brewery.  The plan never gets off the ground. We've arranged to meet with our winemaker friend, Phil at 10:00. We're figuring its an hour stop at the longest.  We pull out of his facility at 2:45!

The day begins by sampling a freshly bottled 2017 shiraz and an incredible un-wooded chardonnay in the winery.  Tasting moves to the family house where we sample Phil's pinot noir, Longwood brand, and unlabeled clean skin. The house is sitting on a ridge and has a gorgeous view of the valley.
By the time we're done chatting and sampling it's lunch time.  Phil and Lauren invite us to join them at the Salopian, reported to be the best restaurant in McLaren Vale.

Phil has to run back and give a workman access.  We chat with Lauren and their son Nick until he returns.  Next begins a stream of very good food. First comes a slightly different kingfish dish from the one yesterday; Port Lincoln Hiramasa Kingfish Sashimi with Miso, sesame dressing, radish and horseradish. Next are Steamed Free Range Howie Hill Berkshire Pork buns and home style chilli sauce and Steamed Duck Dumplings with coriander, pickled ginger and roasted chilli dressing. We each had a sample of each.
Just when we figured that was enough food for lunch a humongous meat pie arrives.  It's size surprises everyone. It is shortly followed by a large platter of Red Braised Free Range Duck with asparagus, fermented daikon, pickled Shiitakes, green pea salad and "Chee Cheong Fun" rice noodles.
The food is accompanied by a rose made by a family friend and the remains of the bottle of pinot noir we tasted earlier.
We return to the winery via the local beer brewery where CJ enjoys a dark ale. On the return trip Phil decides to take a shortcut.  We're in 4WD and off road.
By the time we take on two cases of wine its time to begin the return to Adelaide. We visit K1 by Geoff Hardy on the way back. Their winery is the most beautiful we've seen in Australia.
Since its only a block off our route, we pop in on our mates Dave and Kathy for a short talk and to checkout the latest home renovations before the return to Adelaide.

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