Sunday, November 19, 2017

Enjoying our first days

Even though this first week is being consumed by events and setting up house, we're still managing to get a sample of enjoying retirement in Adelaide. We'll not get to walking the parklands until next week but Adelaide has an abundance of parklands to walk. New York had Central Park.  Adelaide's park isn't in the middle, it surrounds both Adelaide and North Adelaide.

The north-most red star is the Intercontinental Hotel where we stay on the way into and way out of town.  The red star across the street is the location of our apartment.  The red star to the east is the location of our house when we lived in Adelaide.
We're already enjoying cocktails and sunsets from our apartment balcony.
And then there are the restaurants.  We have dozens of good restaurants within a few blocks and many more within the Central Business District (CBD).  Our first two selections within four blocks have been very good; an Afghan kebob place and a Spanish tapas restaurant.

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