Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Great Snow

After an excellent heuvos rancheros breakfast, Kim left for her all day lesson and CJ and Crystina hit the slopes. Heading up to higher altitude and steeper slopes, just short of 12,000 feet Crystina was the first casualty of the altitude and flat light.

After a super nutritious light lunch of chips and salsa, CJ ventured out solo. Did he adhere to a golden rule which is always follow the crowds? No. He paid. Flat light and an un-groomed slope sent him home with only a single 4.7 mile run and 4083 of vertical.

The bus to Aspen stops at the end of our lane, a walk of all of a couple hundred feet. It's a half hour ride to Aspen with the terminal a block from Lift 1.
After a short walk about the old central village we return to Zocalito Latin Bistro for dinner. Great drinks, good food make for a fun evening. Oaxacan chicken in a mole sauce, Pork tacos, and chicken tamales are great.
Aspen is very pretty after dark.  We luck out and just catch the return bus as its about to depart.

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