Saturday, February 18, 2017


We arise shortly after Kim and Crystina depart.  It's still dark when we get our final look at the village from our condo.
We bid adieu to Snowmass and begin the trek to Denver International Airport (DIA)
It's a beautiful sunny ride to Denver. Red soiled with green brush hills alternate with brown soil with the bright sun enhancing the beauty. The ride through Glenwood Canyon has to be one of the prettiest in the US.The next time we drive through it in good weather, we mount a Go Pro to the windshield.

Probably owing to the holiday on Monday, the traffic is extremely light for a Saturday. We stop in Frisco for coffee/tea.  It's a picturesque little town.
We elect to check in to our airport hotel and return the rental car. Since last year train service between DIA and Union Station had begun. It was supposed to be $9 per person each way but we get a all-day senior ticket for $4.50 per person.

We had intended have lunch at Stoic and Genuine but Carol craves a hot dog (this only happens when in Denver) and the power goes out at Union Station/Stoic.  An uni appetizer and Cersei's Revenge made with Naveran Cava, Salerno blood orange liqueur and black pepper and blood orange granita specialty drink passes as the starter course.
It's in the sixties in Denver and outdoor dining is preferred on this February winter day.  On the way to our main course this gull-wing stretch BMW pulls up to deliver a bride followed by a stretch Chrysler 300.
Carol would like them to turn this building into condos.
Eight blocks away, the main is served up at Biker Jim's Gourmet Dogs translated as the best dogs on the planet. Carol has her usual wild boar with apricots, cranberries with cream cheese and caramelized onions. CJ can't choose so selects both and removes as much of the good roll as practical.  He begins with his usual the elk jalapeƱo cheddar dressed with tomatillo green chili salsa, sriracha lime mayo and smoked bacon bits. His other selection is the special of the day: southwest buffalo glazed with hoisun sauce, tangy mango salsa and sriracha. There just aren't better dogs, ANYWHERE!
We Uber to Epic Brewing where we find the tap room overrun with millennials and a draft list not to our palate.

The train returns us to DIA where we catch the Marriott shuttle back to the hotel

Friday, February 17, 2017

And a Final Glorious Day of Sun

Today's first order of business is for CJ to call the mountain and add another day to his ski pass. He had a five of six and as of yesterday had decided his old legs couldn't take a sixth day.  The sun changed that.

Crystina and Kim depart at the mid station of the first lift.  CJ slowly works his way across the mountain to the far side of the ski area. This week he's discovered great skiing in the middle of the area and ways to traverse from one side to the other is both directions.

At lunch in only a long sleeved t-shirt, he's wishing he was in  short sleeves.
With a couple of runs still left in him, he calls it a week.  Today Ski Tracks logs 14.6 miles of skiing with a top speed of 40.6 mph, 12,132 feet of vertical 26 degree slope, and a max altitude of 11,363 feet. He didn't need two more runs. There is a house he's skied past a few times this week. This house is probably in the $30M range.
He takes the lift that services their huge terrain park to set up his final run of the day. He manages to get this picture without losing his company phone.
CJ's already driven up the hill and returned his skis and made it to the hot tub by the time Crystina arrives back.  Kim follows in about 20 minutes. Just how well located are we? This is Snowmass Village taken from the balcony outside of our room.

This evening's dinner is rack of lamb and red wine.

Another Day of Sun!

Kim and Crystina take the day off to explore the local shopping.

CJ's first run nearly wears him out. The combination of previous days, altitude and fitness seem to have taken their toll.

His first run returns him to Snowmass Mall where the ladies had planned to explore. He finds Carol still at the condo and she elects to join him for an early lunch. On her return she passes the Mammoth museum again.
He get's his second wind and has a great afternoon hitting his highest speed of the week so far (41MPH), gets in 12.2 miles of skiing on 6 runs.  Skiing through the longest terrain park he's ever seen he's amazed at the pitch of the slope adjacent to the massive halfpipe.

At one point on the lift he takes a picture of our condo.  We have the second room in of the unit below the floor; a 50 foot walk to the slope.
Carol's spent the day preparing a butternut squash risotto.
Cheese and crackers accompany a small tasting of two Pump[KY]n from Avery; one from 2015 (15%) and the 2016 (18.8%).

Thursday, February 16, 2017

OMG!!!! A very special evening

We've selected an adventure this evening.  We'll drive to Aspen Highlands, board a snowcat for an open air ride up the mountain to the Cloud 9 restaurant for dinner. Expectations are high.  The experience will be even higher.

Assembly is in the Aspen Highlands reception lounge.  Mulled cider is served while waiting for guests and completing releases.

Each cat has 16 guests. We board the first of two cats at the base elevation of 8040 feet..
It doesn't take long on the ascent before those of us on the uphill side of the open air cab are holding on for dear life.  It appears there was a minor gap in the safety briefing.  Perhaps these guys should take a page from the airlines.  Something like "the seatbelt sign is turned on". The first picture is CJ hanging on for dear life. The bluer is the vibration of the snowcat tracks and vibration.
The cat hits its first steep climb and the adventure quickly exceeds all expectations of everyone aboard. Those on the high side are falling onto those on the low side.

We arrive at Cloud Nine Alpine Bistro at 10,825 feet. Along the way we go up a double black diamond, green and blue slopes.  By the way blue slopes at Aspen Highlands aren't your grandmas usual blues.

Dinner is a pleasant surprise. Our water, Olivier is French.  The food and menu are incredible.

The first course is King Crab with toasted almonds, pomegranate, and saffron aioli.

Second course is squash risotto & crispy pork belly with sage brown butter and aged balsamic.
We split the main course.  Carol has the tea-smoke magnet of duck with caramelized blood orange, baby turnips, and Brussels sprouts. The rest of us have the slow roasted beef tenderloin with roasted cauliflower, roasted broccolini, and French onion just.

After a tower of mignardises (guess this. Is a fancy word for miscellaneous small deserts, we pay out  and board the cat for the downhill trip.  The stars and  sky are fantastic.

It's a very special evening. Here is sundown over the mountains with Venus the "star" in the sky.

Sun, Glorious Sun and Snowcats

Following a fine pancake breakfast the three of us hit the slopes bound for Elk Camp. The ladies decide to take a greenish run back to the base as a warm up. The slopes are wide and gorgeous.
CJ departs to bomb the mountain; and bomb it he does. By days end he'll log 7 runs (not impressive), 13492 of vertical (impressive), 15.1 miles of skiing (impressive for the old boy) and a last run on his tired old legs of 4.3 miles and 3997 feet of vertical from the very top of Snowmass to the condo which is at 8539 feet. The black slope gave him 26 degree of drop and at some point he got up to 36 mph which means he's slowing down.

Starting on the left boundary on Bull Run, CJ makes his way across the mountain to the Alpine Springs lift and a stop at Gwen's lodge for lunch. Like yesterday, it's a great day to eat outdoors and to gaze upon the black slopes.
Following lunch, he takes the High Alpine lift for some black diamond skiing.  After bombing a black slope called Edge, a huge wide blue called Naked Lady deposits him back at the Alpine Springs lift, not where he thought he was going.  He's on a part of the ski area he's never previously explored.

A lift called Sheer Bliss delivers him to the top of the Big Burn area.
Insanity strikes him. Perhaps he's fallen prey to altitude sickness. The reality is CJ decides to pay tribute to his French ski friends and take one of the few teleski lifts (FP to those in the know) in North America. It delivers him to the very top of Snowmass.
His last run of the day begins here.

Carol has hiked up the mountain to Snowmass Mall while the ladies skied most of the day over in the Elk Camp with a few runs in our home neighborhood.

The three amigos enjoy the hot tub before readying to leave for dinner.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Sun Cometh

Now this what you want to see out your window when you wake up! Kim is off to another five hour lesson and CJ and Crystina.  It just doesn't get better than this! Today's destination is Elk Camp. It's the home of Bull Run, what CJ calls the best ski slope in the World.  It's the slope Carol's sister went from Intermediate to Advanced in a run; or maybe two. It's a slope that makes any skier look two levels better. It's simply one incredible two mile long picturesque ski slope; with great views of the surrounding mountains.

Even with a couple of long stops, we manage seven two mile runs and some incredible skiing. How good is the weather?  CJ is enjoying the sun in a long sleeve t-shirt.
 Back at the condo, Carol's gone out to enjoy the sun.  She comes across a mammoth museum at Snowmass Mall. It seems they discovered mammoth remains 10 miles from Snowmass.
Back at the condo, CJ and the ladies make for the hot tub.  The weather is so wonderful that the adult hot tub is full.  We occupy the family hot tub as the only occupants.  The serenity is soon broken with the arrival of all the annoying munchkins on the planet.
Kim receives a delivery.  It's roses from her husband who is home taking care of their nine-year old and one-year old.
Dinner is another of Carol's home made meals frozen and carried here by plane and car. Tuscan ragu is delicious and accompanied by a Chianti and Super Tuscan.