Saturday, November 13, 2021

Gilbert Street Hotel & Etica

Two years ago Louis claimed the best pizza in Adelaide is at restaurant Etica. 

It has taken until now to remember to try to get a booking and finally be able to get a booking. We decide to leave early for dinner and go to CJ's favorite pub for a pre-dinner drink. The Gilbert Hotel is a few blocks beyond Etica.

We are only having a drink but these large loafs of bread tempt us to change our minds.

When we first lived in Adelaide our home was unique. In the last 14 years, several additional modern homes have been built. On our walk to the restaurant, we spy three modern styled units on Gilbert Street.
Etica has a very simple menu and is a small restaurant. It appears to do a very good take out business. The pizzas are simple but very tasty. Best in Adelaide, we are not certain. However, surely they are better than Ballaboosta and possibly even a bit better than Pizza e Mozzarella
Hot oil is their answer to a request for hot chilli flakes.
Everyone is into wood ovens these days.

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