Saturday, March 5, 2016

Final Day of Class Skiing

Today is CJ's final day of class.  It's a beautiful day.  We take pictures from the summit of Aspen Highlands and the mountains toward Snowmass.
He's finally getting the concept and realizes that it's the same motion he uses on very steep groomed runs.  The woman who's been dragging down the class decides to quit just before lunch giving CJ three private runs with Alan.
At day's end he returns his class skis for more normal skis.  This shop is incredible.  They will have his skis waiting for him over at the gondola at Snowmass tomorrow morning.

The "Graduation party" takes place at a restaurant directly across the street from our condo. It's a fun affair of ski stories, pizza and the drinks of our choice.
After the party Alan returned to the condo to sample the Avery Vanilla Bean Stout and review CJ's skiing videos. 

For a mountain with few people on the slopes, finding a place to eat in Aspen is extremely difficult. Our first selection has an hour wait so we end up at the bar at Jimmy's; and even then CJ's bar stool came compliments of a very nice young lady who made sure she blocked out the other vultures.

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