Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Bumps Day 2

The mountain looks inviting from our room; and from the block adjacent to our condo.
We forgot to show you the mini skis, CJ is on for the first two days.
Day two of CJ's bump class goes much better and miraculously he ends the day in far better physical shape than the previous day.  The bar immediately adjacent to the gondola should be of particular interest to our Aussie friends.
Carol has a good day wandering Aspen.  We have reservations at the best Mexican restaurant in town.

Following drinks in the room, we introduce the Australian couple to Mexican food.  The restaurant is a fine selection. In order pictured are an octopus salad, house potatoes, pork taco, pasilla de oazaco reliant (house specialty), and a tamale.  CJ was disappointed in the tamale but otherwise dinner was very good and a treat for the Aussies.

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