Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Bumps for Boomers Day 3

Today we begin on "normal" length skis; actually a bit shorter than CJ's usual selection but much longer than the first two days of class. We have a few minutes at times to take photographs. The lodge at the peak of Aspen (11,200 feet) has a fantastic fireplace and great views of Aspen Highlands and a peak of Snowmass.  There is almost no one here today.
He and his classmate continue to struggle with unlearning years of bad ski habits.

Meanwhile back in town, Carol's had more time to walkabout town and shop a bit.

With the gondola closed due to strong winds we must ski down at the end of the day.
We have a drink in the condo while conducting the afternoon Skype session with CJ's mom.  With all the high priced clothing walking around this town, Carol has been getting quite a few unsolicited compliments on her sweater coat.
Following class we walk downtown Aspen which is a quaint old Victorian mining town.  At the height of the silver mining boom, Aspen had 30, 000 residents.  When the US went of the silver standard, the population plummeted to around 100.
The ski village was established once the 10th Mountain Division completed training for the invasion of Italy in WWII. It's now one of the highest cost of living cities in the US when it comes to housing prices.

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