Friday, January 31, 2025

Sapporo Beer Museum

The Sapporo beer museum, named not only after the city but also after the beer label, is located in the old factory. We passed the modern brewery on the way from the airport to the hotel.

We arrive hungry. We select to dine at the sit down restaurant. Our table has this built-in grill forcing CJ to order two meat dishes. Carol selects king crab.
The real highlight of lunch is the selection of Sapporo beer. We discover that the offerings in Sapporo and on Hokkaido Island are much better than the stuff that comes in a can in the US and Australia.
CJ samples 8 out of the ten for lunch. Carol drinks most of the 'Classic' since CJ's had two last evening in the bar.
It is snowing heavily. Two boys are building a snowman while their parents drink in the comfort of the restaurant.
Sapporo beer was established in 1875. The museum is housed in one of the buildings of this complex.
The tour begins on the 3rd floor where you quickly descend a ramp to the second floor while observing the huge size of a brewing tank.
The museum consists of several displays such as the third one shown below.

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