Friday, January 31, 2025

From 35 to 3 in a day.

The flight from Sydney to Haneda follows a straight as an arrow line. There is nothing in Australia we must avoid. The aircraft is not over PNG long enough to cause a diversion and after PNG there is nothing but Pacific Ocean water until wheels down in Japan.

For the record, ANA service is good. The Boeing 787-900 Dreamliner is every bit as good as the Airbus A-350. The ANA pod leaves a lot to be desired. The food is not very good. The Gruner Veltliner was outstanding, the French syrah from Provence not very good, and the sake was quite tasty.

The lay back seats were uncomfortable. Nonetheless Carol got decent sleep, she was out before taking dinner or drinks. CJ suffered sciatica and ended up getting his best sleep after returning the seat to its upright position.

The best part of the flight was discovering a Japanese toilet on the plane. There was one in the lounge but not on the ancient Boeing 777-200 that flew us to Sapporo. ANA ground service was excellent throughout with wheelchair service a Godsend on all legs.

We departed Adelaide at 35C and landed in Sapporo to 3C. On the transfer from the airport, it began snowing.

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