Friday, June 14, 2024

Fiji - Day 2

Our last SCUBA was 12 years ago. CJ wants another go. Even though the resort has a dive shop and huge dive boat, there are no organized dive trips leaving the resort during our stay. 

Not to worry. CJ hires a divemaster and the boat for a 2-tank dive and throws in a refresher training dive. We pass the Fish Bar on the way to the sea.

Owing to beautiful weather and calm seas, the refresher dive is moved from the pool to an offshore sand bar.  Divemaster Gerald checks the current.

Successfully, if not elegantly, completing his refresher training, we pick up a buoy off Namotu resort island for his first dive. Namotu island is one of the two islands at the bottom of the picture between #32 and #33.

CJ has a great first dive highlighted by black and white tip reef sharks, large turtle, and a huge giant clam. 

Between dives we enjoy time on the surface off gassing.

On his second dive he had horrible buoyancy control and was not pleased. Highlight was another reef shark, giant clam this time with a gorgeous purple and white membrane, and a humongous turtle. Unfortunately, his camera did not turn on.

Returning to the bura, the driver informs us that drinks will be delivered to our water stairs this afternoon.

Following pizza for dinner at the Lagoon Restaurant, from our veranda, we watch dancers perform for a gathering of the Reserve Bank of Fiji. Later we enjoy singers from across the lagoon in the Lagoon Lounge. It is located not by the restaurant of the same name, but in the building housing reception and services.
We have a large fish and a small crab on our stairs this evening. The largest fish is mostly hiding under a step.

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