Sunday, March 19, 2023

Homeless in America - Charleston, Golf, Hilton Head - October 2022

Between the sale of our home in Florida and return to Adelaide, South Australia, we spent a homeless month in the US. CJ was impressed with his 3-day PGA tour school instruction. 

In Charleston, South Carolina we visited Fort Sumter, the place where the first shots of the American Civil War were fired. It is a shadow of its former self.
We caught the ferry to Fort Sumter from Patriot's Point, the home of the World War II aircraft carrier Yorktown, actually the second Yorktown of World War II the first one having been lost at the Battle of Midway.
We also visited the museum of the CSS Hunley, the Confederate States ship that was the first submarine to sink an enemy ship. The first picture shows one of the six hand crank propulsion stations. The second picture shows the stern and propellers. Hunley was found in 1995 by an organization founded by author Clive Cussler's NUMA. It was raised in 2000 and now being preserved in a museum. The remains of her crew were laid to rest in an amazing ceremony with full military honors in Charleston on 17 April 2004. Tens of thousands of people and 6000 reenactors participated.

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