Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Svalbard Expedition Monday

It is 10°F when we wake in a south fiord of Spitsbergen Island. It has snowed overnight but there is dense fog.

When the fog clears, Resolution is impaled in the ice and we are invited to take a hike on the ice, complete with an alcohol-fueled hot chocolate bar.

We are walking on the sea ice. 300 feet of seawater beneath us. Notice the open ocean water just of the stern of Resolution.
Cruising through our next fiord, we sail past the most majestic scenery of the trip. It is bright sun and there is a continuous chain of mountains that are fully covered in snow. There is a fast ice sheet between us and the mountains while we are cruising through a foreground of open water.

Someone has cancelled their igloo experience and we have the port igloo. If only it were a cozy warm snow igloo rather than a cold glass igloo hanging off the 8th deck of a ship inducing a ship’s motion wind chill.

The ship's hotel manager, Sebastian, gives us an igloo briefing. It is not heated! There are hot water bottles in the bed.
How good is the service on this ship? On the way to the igloo, we pass by the bar. It is very busy after the crew show is followed by dancing and partying to a live band. Unable to hail a bartender, an officer takes our order with a promise to deliver it to the igloo.

Not too long after CHENG (the ship's Chief Engineer) and the assistant expedition director arrive to deliver the drinks. The high-class bartenders remain about 15 minutes for a chat.

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